Hi all!
Today I received my birthday present, thirty-five new native plants from Prairienursery.com! There are seven species total and I am so excited to share them with you! Below is the unboxing video!
I purchased this particular batch of plants to fill in some existing empty garden bed space in various parts of our property. I had removed a Hydrangea bush last fall from the front yard and I also have open bed space on the side of the house.
I am so excited to get these in the ground next week. I picked a variety of colors, sizes, and sun requirements for this shipment as I have many different places to plant them. :) The most important factor for me when choosing the varieties was the amount of wildlife each plant supported and what it would attract, host, and feed.
My much anticipated first shipment from Prairie Nursery exceeded my expectations! The plants were packed meticulously and they were shipped and delivered on time according to the week that I selected when purchasing. They arrived with a nursery health certificate, and an instructional booklet on care, and transplanting. They also explained in the paperwork that they trim the plants prior to shipment to reduce the chance of damage during transit. These hardy plants will quickly recover once planted in the ground! I have listed my full order below along with links to the Prairie Nursery website and the types of wildlife and/or insects they support.
Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata): flowers attract many pollinators, including Monarch butterflies.
Culver's Root (Veronicastrum virginicum): Pollinators & Butterflies.
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea): butterflies, bees, and myriad pollinators, including hummingbirds. Later in summer, the large seedheads attract goldfinches and other birds.
White Turtlehead (Chelone glabra): Bees, the preferred larval host plant for the beautiful Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly.
Nodding Pink Onion (Allium cernuum): Attracts hairstreak butterfly and Hummingbirds.
Sweet Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium purpureum): favorite nectar source for Monarchs, Swallowtails, and many other butterflies.
Lupine (Lupinus perennis): Lupine is the only host plant for the rare Karner Blue butterfly. Habitat loss has led to the decline in Lupine plants in the wild and put the Karner Blue on the endangered species list. Lupine is also a host plant for the Frosted Elfin and the Eastern Persius Duskywing butterflies.
I will post an update when I get these in the ground!