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Hi there! My journey into gardening took an exciting turn in the spring of 2019. It all began when I 'adopted' two tiny swallowtail caterpillars from a local nursery. Caring for them ignited a passion for learning, which quickly led to transforming our entire landscape into a native plant and pollinator haven. The abundance of life it brought to our yard was nothing short of magical—we were hooked and haven’t looked back since! That same year, we proudly certified our front yard as a Monarch Waystation.

I love the saying, 'You don’t know what you don’t know,' and I believe many in my community feel the same way about gardening. My mission is to inspire, educate, and raise awareness about the impact our yards can have on local ecosystems. By sharing my story, I hope to spark a movement in our suburbs where people see their yards as conservation spaces—places to invite, nurture, and support pollinators and wildlife.

On a personal note, I’m married to Brett, who wholeheartedly supports my (sometimes wild, LOL) endeavors. We have four wonderful children, and they are my greatest motivation to be good stewards of this Earth. Nature has always been my source of inspiration—when you slow down and marvel at its complexity and beauty, it deepens your appreciation for this incredible planet and strengthens your desire to protect it.

Aside from spending time with my family and gardening, I also have a deep love for painting. As you might guess, nature is my muse, and watercolor is my favorite medium. You can check out my artwork [here].

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and showing interest in native gardening! I'm always here to answer any questions—just drop me a message using the contact form below!

~ Marisa


Marisa Prevatt

Canton, Michigan

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Watercolor Painting

Cut flower arrangement featuring lots of

native Michigan blooms, all from our gardens! 

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